Clubs and balls

We are proud to say that our starter Park Gowf clubs were made by the oldest club manufacturer in the world:  The St. Andrews Golf Company.

It's chairman, Hamish Steedman, has worked very closely with us over the last couple of years (even during covid) to develop a style of club that is easy to use and conforms to Nippon Park Golf Association specifications.

Hamish would be happy to discuss hand crafting a custom-made park golf club to meet your requirements.  

The balls used for Park Gowf require to be sourced from Japan/China. The official balls carry the Nippon Park Golf logo of the (Kumagera) woodpecker.

Nippon Park Golf Association's official mascot is Packey, pictured below.


In 2003, a cute character was created by Nippon Park Golf Association based on a motif of a black woodpecker.  It was named Packey, chosen through a naming campaign open to the public.

Today, Packey is Park Golf's official mascot and is displayed on many park golf items, eg flags and tournament programs.


The black woodpecker was created in 1987,  It is the image character of Park Golf.

The reason behind the woodpecker is because woodpeckers make a noise reminiscent of a wooden park golf club hitting a ball.

There are eight kinds of woodpeckers living in Hokkaido.  The Kumagera, Japan's largest woodpecker, was chosen for its size and its distinctive and recognisable red and black colouring.